Intuitive Weekly Readings

Intuitive Reading: Week Of Nov. 19- Nov. 25

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There is a process to success and abundance. It does not come without some type of battle. What that looks like is often different for each of us, but we each experience our own wars every time we aspire to abundance. Change doesn’t come overnight. Peace and healing do not come overnight. In our illusory culture, it’s easy to start to believe that these processes are happy and smooth throughout. No. War is ugly and includes all the sights, sounds and smells that it’s easy to forget about when you’re not participating in it. Healing can be a grueling process. In this time of upheaval, it’s important to remember that progress means confrontation and unpleasant things. They are necessary to proceed and should not be glazed over in favor of a false mask of positivity and objectivity. There is nothing objective about progression. It is radical and loud and unorthodox.

Remember as you move into the week that the road to what you seek, no matter how well planned, will encounter opposition. Many of you will be seeing family this week and, for some of you, being in those spaces can return you right back to your unhealthy mindsets because the conditioning is that strong. Resist the urge to shrink away from your becoming due to fear of how it will be received. It is important to embrace your truth especially in moments when it is being challenged by your former programming. And if it feels unsafe to do so, it may be time to evaluate how the relationships in your life are and are not serving you. Yes, even though people may love you and have the best of intentions, what they want from you can take you away from who you are meant to be. For some of you, the opposition won’t come from others, but from yourself: bad habits, distraction, choosing comfort and conditioning over the growth that you have begun. Show the universe and yourself that you have been paying attention and are aware enough of those old patterns to sidestep them. You have done the work. The ascension has begun. Don’t let old paradigms bring you back down where you no longer fit.

Mercury started its retrograde in Sagittarius this past week. The Sagg is not always known for its tact, but sometimes, you have to toss tact out the fucking window. Some energies only respond to fire, so light their ass up if you’re coming from a place of love and not ego. Be careful though, we often intertwine those two more than we think. If you’ve been doing the work, things have been aligning for you recently and you may be feeling a renewed sense of purpose. Don’t lose that feeling at the first sign of trouble. What are you willing to do for your self/purpose/authentic life? Are you ready to sound the war horn so you can get to the power and abundance at the end of the cycle?


Readings done using Bresi-Ando Adinkra Ancestral Guidance Cards

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