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Natali Nicole

Intuitive Reading: Week of 12/17-12/23

Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Reading: Week of 12/17-12/23

In anticipation of the Winter Solstice on the 21st and the upcoming new year, I elected to do a past, present & future spread to aid you in your intention setting.

We’re all familiar with the New Year and its associated meanings, but I wanted to take some time to specifically acknowledge the Winter Solstice. It  marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. However, the flipside of that is that it marks the beginning of the building towards longer days. It is a time to celebrate, not just the coming of the light, but the darkness itself. It’s a time to honor what darkness teaches us. What the period of rest and hibernation can provide to restore, renew and replenish to move forward with new strength.

It is a great time to create your resolutions for the new year. Firstly, there’s no need to wait to start to manifest what you want in your life–start today. But moreover, I think reflection on the year and all of the triumphs, challenges and lessons within it are a crucial step in setting informed intentions for the next year. Starting your process now will give you time to do that. Be present as you go month by month and try to remember as much as possible about your experiences of this year. If you keep a journal or planner, this can aid you in jogging your memory. Or if not, looking through your photos and statuses on social media can be a great substitute. For each experience you come across, try to determine what you may have learned or how it changed you.

What is coming up as a theme or lesson from the past year is Dwennimen. This year was tough for many. There were many astrological shifts–including Mars Retrograde, Uranus entering Taurus, Venus retrograde, Jupiter entering Sagittarius–that contributed to intense challenges/tests that pushed us out of our comfort zones and revealed new ways of understanding ourselves. It was a humbling process. Humility requires honesty and the willingness to show up as you are. You’ve made it through some trying times that have worked to unravel your facades and bring you closer to authenticity.

Getting through these things should remind you of your power. We are in a space where we can redefine what it means to be powerful. We are reminded that there is strength in the ability to remain gentle in this world. Exert your power in a way that allows for the recognition of others’ power. As you acknowledge the God in you, let it in turn be humbled by the God that exists in others.

The card for the present moment, as we prepare to be welcome a new year, is Woforo Dua Pa A. As we consider what we want to accomplish in 2019, remember that every small step you take towards your goal is attracting the universe to support you. The energy you release is the energy that will be returned to you. You may not always be able to see the universal arms of support that are pushing you towards your destiny, but have faith that they are there, guiding you towards your highest good. While on your journey, if you can provide that push for someone else, that energy is amplified for you on your path.

What we need to be conscious of in 2019 is Nyame Biribi Wo Soro. This is again compelling us to have faith. The universe is always responding to you. If you are indicating what you want through your energy and actions, trust that it hears you. Trust that you will never go unanswered. The answers may not be what you want to hear or they may not work on your timeline, but trust in divine timing. Trust that everything that is meant for you will come exactly when it needs to. Move forward in action with hope and the belief that wherever you land it is in your best interest because it results in your growth. You are not ever alone💗

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