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October 2019 Astro & Tarot Forecast

Intuitive Readings

October 2019 Astro & Tarot Forecast

Natali Nicole’s

OCTOBER 3, 2019


Below you will find my breakdown of the planetary transits for October 2019 as well as my tarot forecast for the month. If you’d prefer the concise version, I’ve done a brief video recap of the below on my IG page (@natali.nicole). Please, take what resonates and leave the rest. If you enjoy what you receive and would like to donate, you can contribute at [$natalinicole]. You can also inquire about personal astrological or tarot readings through Instagram or Happy October loves! 

Astro Transits


Pluto stations direct Oct 3 [2:39 a.m. EST]

Pluto stations direct at 20° Capricorn after stationing retrograde back on April 24th. Pluto is all about depth, excavation, and regeneration. How do we take what is hidden and past and use that energy to create a newly integrated version of ourselves.  Pluto has spent a lot of time doing a deep and thorough review of the area of your chart that houses Capricorn. As Pluto now continues its forward exploration through Capricorn, we’ve been cautioned to remember that the roots extend far and deep under the surface–they must always be considered when taking action.  


Mercury enters Scorpio Oct 3 [4:14 a.m. EST]

Scorpio never reveals all. There is always a mystery–either to be solved, or to be cloaked in. With the planet of communication here, the messages may be more easily found in what is not said. On the flip side, there can be a tone of deep intimacy. Why talk if we’re only going to skim the surface? Let’s deep dive into the heart of the matter. This is no time for small talk.


Mars enters Libra Oct 4th [12:22 a.m. EST] 

Mars shifts into detriment as it enters Libra. The God of War struggles here, as its aggressive nature is softened by Libra’s ruler, Venus. Libra is the diplomat, the measured justice bringer, and Mars…is not about that life.  The planet of courage and independence is being forced to [consider how to] interact with others. Like a child being restrained, Mars’s impulse is to throw a temper tantrum out of frustration. If we don’t learn how to manage Mars not getting its way, it can potentially expose our triggers and cause us to project onto others. How do you manage your desires and your drive? Can you redirect your impulses to fight without suppressing the energy in a way that will cause you to implode/explode? 


Venus enters Scorpio Oct 8th [1:06 a.m. EST]

Venus, similarly, leaves her queendom in Libra to be in detriment in Scorpio. In Scorpio, Venus sheds the preoccupation with aesthetic and beauty in favor of the raw and uncut. Venus in Scorpio wants to go deep: unbridled lust, undying love, unquenchable thirst. Give her something she can feel. Partnered or unpartnered, you might find yourself seeking more intimacy from those around you, not just sexually–and in fact, probably not primarily so. Scorpio thrives on emotional vulnerability so expect to be yearning for some deeper connections.


Aries Full Moon Oct 13  [5:08 p.m. EST]

Let it all out. At least, that is what you’ll be tempted to do. Aries is all about impulsivity and passion. However, I would caution against airing out all your feels to the public [See tarot reading]. Find a constructive mode of release until you figure out your tact. I’m a fan of Full Moon rituals that often include writing out what you intend to release and burning the list as you focus on calling that stagnant energy back to use for flow. You can also be more Martian about it (since Aries is ruled by Mars) and do something physical. Getting present in your body through movement/exercise can help your brain focus and prioritize so you don’t rush headfirst into some drama you can’t undo. 


Sun enters Scorpio Oct 23

Scorpio season rolls in to remind us that there’s always more to the story. The detective of the zodiac, this sign is all about getting to the bottom of things. If you have a secret, Scorpio either knows it or is gathering the evidence to sniff it out. While Scorpio may use this as a defense tactic to distract from their own secrets (and use as leverage should you actually be able to figure theirs out), the impulse is borne out of a need for intimacy. As mentioned above when discussing Venus in Scorpio, this sign is powered by vulnerability. With the sun in this sign, we will all feel more driven by a need to go deeper/ motivated by deeper connection. If you feel intrigued by something or someone, don’t be afraid to probe past the surface. If a question arises, actually take the time to research. You may not find the definitive answer, but the probe itself will be illuminating. 


New Moon in Scorpio Oct 27 [11:39 p.m. EST]

There is probably no better sign to embody the spirit of a New Moon than Scorpio. This first lunar phase is all about plunging into new experiences and integrating yourself into them. Some things to ponder on Scorpio New Moon: 


  • How can approaching new endeavors from a space of curiosity and skepticism broaden my ability to master them?
  • For everything that I encounter, I must ask myself whose story is missing. What is the underlying context not being presented?
  • How am I emotionally impacted or moved by new experiences and endeavors? How does this depth of emotion (or lack thereof) help me to understand myself and others? 


Mercury stations retrograde Oct 31 [11:41 a.m. EST] 

Mercury is heading back to retrace its steps over the Scorpio terrain that it covered from October 11th onward. Retrogrades are a time to reconsider our movements as it concerns that planet’s energy. During retrograde, that planet is closer to Earth than at any other point in its orbit. Its intensity highlights its presence in our lives, giving us the opportunity to consider how we’re using its energies and take our time to reimagine and revise if necessary. With Mercury retrograde in the sign of Scorpio, we are being given the opportunity to refine how we communicate desire, anger, passion. There is a time for aggression and domineering, but that’s not always the most effective course. A period of quiet observation can be your greatest ally in conveying your messages. This is a time to master responding instead of reacting. Learn to harness your energy into the kind of “force” that is needed. The pen (and communication generally) can be mightier than the metaphorical sword. And this isn’t just for conflict, but in expressing your compassion, your longing, your conviction. 

Tarot Forecast

Something is trying to reach you. Be alert for the messages that are making their way to you. It won’t be readily apparent, you will need to look beyond what meets the eye. YOu might need to uncover a layer or two to get it. The Page of Wands is a symbol of exploration and child-like wonder. Stay curious. The Scorpio energy of the month should help you stay immersed in what piques your interest. Follow your nose. Being a beginner is one of the most powerful places to be because there are no rules yet; allow yourself to revel in the creativity of being a novice and you will bump into your level up. 


The Queen of Wands is a symbol of assuredness in her power. It’s handled, periodt. Reversed, however, this is a signal of insecurity and doubt. Before you start to channel any energy, wait. You’re not in flow. Your energies are wrapped up in something that does not reflect where you want to be. Something in the past, maybe a hurt that you haven’t recovered from or even recognized you’ve sustained. Be cautious; you likely won’t recognize that you are feeling insecure because it is clouded by emotion. You’re reacting because you’ve been triggered. Sit. Wait. Reflect. Perhaps the exploration indicated by the Page of Wands is one of your inner self. 


The reading for the first week of October spoke to making sure your base needs are secure and worked out before you can build. You may think that your emotions are warranted towards another, but that may be a projection of something that has nothing to do with the situation at hand. These triggers are often an indication of a base need that has been unmet for a long time. Thinking of how the confidence of the Queen of Wands can be distorted, ask yourself: When do I feel strong willed and passionate? Who or what takes that feeling away from me? Who or what makes me feel small? These questions may help lead you to the root of the unmet need, 


Take the time to figure out how to give that to yourself on a consistent basis. Love yourself back to center and let that be the energy from which you drive forward. 


The King of Swords indicates a chance to show your discernment. This figure is a symbol of the rationality, clear communication and established thought that comes from experience. Whereas the wands indicate fire, the suit of swords corresponds to air–thought, speech, detachment. There is a certain level of detachment required to articulate your passion. The conviction is still there, but it feels different than when you’re overwhelmed by emotion. This syncs up perfectly with the Mercury retrograde in Scorpio energy. When your gut compels you to stand, speak your truth. Stand for what you believe in, but be clear. Don’t let your passion trip up your eloquence. If you’ve taken the time to sit and self examine your triggers and really explore your topic, you will know exactly how to respond. 


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